"Tiny Hands, Learning to Make a Difference" is a group comprised of some wonderful parents and their children, aged 3-grade 2. Our goal is to bring our children age appropriate awareness of the conditions of the world they live in and what they can do to make a difference! If you are interested in starting your own "Tiny Hands" organization, please contact us for more information.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Beach Cleanup 2006!

On a beautiful, sunny, perfect July morning, 20 Tiny Hands members met on East Matunick Beach for our annual Beach Cleanup. This is a beach that we go to regularly so we thought it would be a great idea to have the kids clean it up.
Prior to the start of the cleanup, the Head Lifegaurd took some time to talk to the kids about the hazards litter poses to aquatic and bird life. Empowered to make a difference, and equipped with our new Tiny Hands gloves, logo hats (thanks Jennifer and Laura!) and plastic bags we combed up and down the beach and became aware of how much trash is littering the beach! Cigarettes, balloon fragments with strings attached, bottle tops, plastic ... all things that, beyond visually taking away from the shore, are hazards to the creatures that dwell there. We each collected full bags of trash to take away and learned allot.

Thanks to everyone who participated!

And as a great surprise, our local NBC 10 news channel responded to our press release and came down to cover the event! One of our 5 year old members was interviewed and did a great job explaining why we came to clean the beach up. (Great job Max!) Tiny Hands made the 6 o'clock evening news generating excitement for our members and some local exposure.

Interested in joining us at our next event? Leave a note in the comments or send us an email.


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